Things I'm digging right now!
Author: Ed Borges // Category:
Had a Fruituzy today, super yummy! Must go back soon.
Voicing of the Belin Chapel Organ
Author: Ed Borges // Category:This has been an amazing addition to the Belin Chapel in particular and the University in general.
Mai's chocolate crepes!
Author: Ed Borges // Category:
This is what was waiting for me when I got home! I love you Mai!
I'm Google Voice-in' baby!
Author: Ed Borges // Category:
Okay so I know I haven't posted in a while :-) but things have been pretty hectic lately. However in the midst of all the craziness I received some cool news in my G-Mail in-box on Friday. I was selected to receive a Google Voice number! And whats the big deal about that you ask!? Well, first, not everyone gets selected to get a GV number, second, you are able to do a ton of things you can't do with a regular phone number and third its completely free!
Check out the following video to see why Google Voice is going to be the next big thing in social networking...
If you want to try it out for yourself, just click on the "CALL ME" bubble to the right and leave me a voice-mail! I hope to hear from you!
Keep Tech-in'
Check out the following video to see why Google Voice is going to be the next big thing in social networking...
If you want to try it out for yourself, just click on the "CALL ME" bubble to the right and leave me a voice-mail! I hope to hear from you!
Keep Tech-in'
It's finally here...The iPhone 3G S - but does it live up to the hype???
Author: Ed Borges // Category:
There are a few indicators that Summer has arrived, heat, back yard BBQs and the Apple's WWDC (World Wide Developer's conference). This year Apple did not disappoint and as usual built up a mega-hype around the closely guarded details behind the much anticipated new iPhone 3G S (which many thought would be called iPhone Video). I kind of like that better than the marginally creative "S" Apple saw fit to append to the BTW stands for Speed...(insert rolling of the eyes here). Silly name but true indeed...The new iPhone is twice as fast and blazing fast! Its a true screamer in comparison to the first generation iPhone.
Okay so what was all the hype about you ask? Well for starters a much improved processor, a better camera, and perhaps the most important updated capabilities. It comes in two flavors, a 16GB and a 32GB for those who want to be able to shoot lots of videos of their chihuahua chilling-like-a-villain on a floaty in the pool (what-up Tucker!) or for the music aficionado with large iTunes library. Either way the increase in processing speed and new capabilities have enough appeal to make it the latest...uh-hum... Apple of my eye.
At the risk of leaving something out I'll let the folks at MacWorld do the heavy lifting from here...they tend to have the best and most complete breakdowns, in my opinion. If you are lucky enough to have gotten your hands on one...Godspeed and may the iPhone gods be with will NEVER get tired of it because unlike the doldrum fate of the non-updateable drones like the Razor and its brethren (who served their purpose well truth-be-told), the iPhone carries with it the promise of new updated software enhancements via iTunes and a a growing library of applications ready to download at a moments notice.
However, on the off chance you do somehow become dis-enamored with this amazing technological can give me a call...until then I wish you many happy hours of exploring a whole new world, all the way down to it's very core ;-)...I couldn't resist.
Enjoy! and happy iPhoning!
Full MacWorld Review of the iPhone 3G S
Husky Hustle
Author: Ed Borges // Category:
I ran my first 5K today! It was the Husky Hustle which is a 3.1 mile run. My time was my personal best yet considering this was my first 3 mile run. At the gym I usually do around 2 miles at a time at around 10-12 minutes a mile, so my time today was not too shabby at 29.20 minutes; that's a 9.2 minute mile! Overall it was a great race but very cold and windy! I started a little late but managed to knock it out and even passed a few folks along the way... :-) Well, now to train for the next race! For this one though I'll have to make sure to get there on time!
Chloe and Lilly - Bath Night!
Author: Ed Borges // Category:So tonight the girls had to take a bath...No I'm not talking about MY girls (they take a bath every night),
Daddy-Daughter date at the Rodeo
Author: Ed Borges // Category:Although this year proved to be as great as usual, there was a small scare when in the live Stock area two pigs escaped from their pens just as we were walking by and freaked the girls out! Luckily the young girl who was their care-taker got things back under control pretty quickly but not before Nicole mentioned that she was done for the day and wanted to go home...The Carnival took care of that request...she forgot all about it. They won all sort of prizes...I use the term won loosely since you end up paying for them one way or another! But all in all it was a great day. We didn't get to see the Jonas Brothers this year but that would have been nearly impossible with the demand and the price of the tickets...We will wait for the girls' first concert to be one we can afford.
The object of my obession!
Author: Ed Borges // Category:
Well here it is...the current object of my obsession, the the new MacBook Pro 15" notebook. This is truly a "dream machine" and with all of the bells and whistles that have come to be expected of Apple's line of super notebook computers. The MacBook comes in two screen presentations glossy and matte. I really prefer the glossy because it makes pictures and websites pop out and look sharp! Addtionally the new aluminum uni-body frame structure it is much sturdier than other notebooks in its class that are made of mostly polycarbonate parts. Starting at around $2,000 the Macbook Pro is not inexpensive which is the main reason I still don't have one! But that hasn't stopped me from countless trips to the Apple store. I'm keeping hope alive...
Latest Gadget Purchase
Author: Ed Borges // Category:I have to say that as far as external hard drives go this has to be the coolest I've come across so far! The Free Agent Go 250 GB is an amazing slim-line version of the old fashioned external hard drive enclosures easily recognized by their brick-like "boxy" appearance. With the Free Agent Go series, Seagate introduces it's top-of-the-line class of storage devices designed with folks who want to bring their data with them in mind. The Free Agent Go is thinner than a deck of cards and can easily fit in a laptop bag. For a few dollars more you can pick up a custom leather sleeve and and a docking cradle. I've been chomping at the bit to load my music and picture collection on to it, but have yet to get started on that project! I'm in the process of upgrading my home PC so it may be a while before I get to that. But I digress :-)...Retailing for $79.00 bones is not bad deal but as luck and the Slick Deal gods would have it, I was able to pick this little Slim Jim up for a cool $30.00 at my local B&M Office Depot. Ordered it online and chose in-store-pick up and saved some cash on the shipping to boot! All-in-all a sweet deal!
Hello Blogworld!
Author: Ed Borges // Category:
Well, my friends Chelsea and Ashley have persuaded me to begin blogging and I couldn't wait to get started! I'm not sure what I'll blog about but for now I will stick to my family, things that I'm interested in, projects I'm working on and of course gadgets! In a nutshell...All things about me! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I like writing it.