It's finally here...The iPhone 3G S - but does it live up to the hype???
Author: Ed Borges // Category:
There are a few indicators that Summer has arrived, heat, back yard BBQs and the Apple's WWDC (World Wide Developer's conference). This year Apple did not disappoint and as usual built up a mega-hype around the closely guarded details behind the much anticipated new iPhone 3G S (which many thought would be called iPhone Video). I kind of like that better than the marginally creative "S" Apple saw fit to append to the BTW stands for Speed...(insert rolling of the eyes here). Silly name but true indeed...The new iPhone is twice as fast and blazing fast! Its a true screamer in comparison to the first generation iPhone.
Okay so what was all the hype about you ask? Well for starters a much improved processor, a better camera, and perhaps the most important updated capabilities. It comes in two flavors, a 16GB and a 32GB for those who want to be able to shoot lots of videos of their chihuahua chilling-like-a-villain on a floaty in the pool (what-up Tucker!) or for the music aficionado with large iTunes library. Either way the increase in processing speed and new capabilities have enough appeal to make it the latest...uh-hum... Apple of my eye.
At the risk of leaving something out I'll let the folks at MacWorld do the heavy lifting from here...they tend to have the best and most complete breakdowns, in my opinion. If you are lucky enough to have gotten your hands on one...Godspeed and may the iPhone gods be with will NEVER get tired of it because unlike the doldrum fate of the non-updateable drones like the Razor and its brethren (who served their purpose well truth-be-told), the iPhone carries with it the promise of new updated software enhancements via iTunes and a a growing library of applications ready to download at a moments notice.
However, on the off chance you do somehow become dis-enamored with this amazing technological can give me a call...until then I wish you many happy hours of exploring a whole new world, all the way down to it's very core ;-)...I couldn't resist.
Enjoy! and happy iPhoning!
Full MacWorld Review of the iPhone 3G S
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