Author: Ed Borges // Category:

Well this year it was Daddy taking the girls to the Rodeo...Mom had to be at a woman's retreat so the girls and I had to find some things to do to fill the time. It was really fun...nothing like the smell of funnel cakes and cow manure to get the party started! We really don't
SEE the Rodeo since the girls are to young for the concert and we rarely stay for the Rodeo itself; we just enjoy the fair grounds and the Live Stock Show.
Although this year proved to be as great as usual, there was a small scare when in the live Stock area two pigs escaped from their pens just as we were walking by and freaked the girls out! Luckily the young girl who was their care-taker got things back under control pretty quickly but not before Nicole mentioned that she was done for the day and wanted to go home...The Carnival took care of that request...she forgot all about it. They won all sort of prizes...I use the term won loosely since you end up paying for them one way or another! But all in all it was a great day. We didn't get to see the Jonas Brothers this year but that would have been nearly impossible with the demand and the price of the tickets...We will wait for the girls' first concert to be one we can afford.